Lenin the man, the revolutionary, and world leader has remained an enigma, part myth arising from the tumult of the Russian Revolution and part image carefully controlled for nearly seventy years b...
One wants to talk about the evolution of the Russian state, but that's the problem: there virtually was none, from the Middle Ages to WW I. Then the communists added 60 more years in the deep freez...
For most of the 20th century Grigory Potemkin has existed as no more than an entertaining side-show for Russian historians. And make no mistake--he is very entertaining; in the Russian royal court ...
'It is unlikely that a clearer, more stimulating account of the Russians' extraordinary period of imperial history will be written.' Philip Marsden, Spectator Geoffrey Hosking's landmark book prov...
Nederland en Zwitserland behoren economisch gezien tot de meest succesvolle samenlevingen in Europa en de wereld. De basis voor die voorspoed werd gelegd in de periode tussen ruwweg 1500 en 1800, t...
How the Dutch Republic of the Netherlands went from the powerful cash till of Europe to an impoverished and despised appendage of the French empire.
Although Russia experienced dramatic political breakthroughs in the late 1980s and early 1990s after shedding the shackles of Soviet rule, it subsequently failed to continue progressing toward demo...
For 300 years the history of Russia was inextricably linked to one family: The Romanovs. Claiming a divine right to reign and tracing the family lineage back to Peter the Great, they were Russia's ...
Taking as its starting point the elections of 2003 and 2004, Developments in Russian Politics 6 brings together a tightly-edited set of all-new specially-commissioned chapters by leading experts to...
Why do new, democratizing states often find it so difficult to actually govern? Why do they so often fail to provide their beleaguered populations with better access to public goods and services? U...
This is an analytical account of a colorful period in Russian history, which is accessible to undergraduates of European and Russian history, as well as to the nonspecialist reader. Central to a di...
In today's Russia, nostalgia for the Soviet era is growing. Many Russians reflect wistfully on the passing of an era when the Soviet Union was a superpower, commanding international respect, and th...
In the aftermath of the financial collapse of August 1998, it looked as if Russia's day as a superpower had come and gone. That it should recover and reassert itself after less than a decade is not...
This is the first major re-assessment of Ivan the Terrible to be published in the West in the post-Soviet period. It breaks away from older stereotypes of the tsar ? whether as ?crazed tyrant? and ...
In most analyses of the Cold War's end the ideological aspects of Gorbachev's "new thinking" are treated largely as incidental to the broader considerations of power. English demonstrates that Gorb...
This reference work surveys the leaders of Russia and the Soviet Union - from Michael, the first Romanov, to Vladimir Putin. The treatment is chronological, in entries that range from 1,000 to 6,00...
Koba the Dread is the successor to Martin Amis's celebrated memoir, Experience. It is largely political while remaining personal. It addresses itself to the central lacuna of twentieth-century t...
In the tradition of Hedrick Smith's The Russians, Robert G. Kaiser's Russia: The People and the Power, and David Remnick's Lenin's Tomb comes an eloquent and eye-opening chronicle of Vladimir Putin...
This book uses the formerly secret Soviet state and Communist Party archives to describe the creation and operations of the Soviet administrative command system. It concludes that the system failed...
William Taubman's brilliant biography of one of the key figures of the Soviet Union is a study in contrasts - how the boy from a peasant background rose to the heights of power; how a single-minded...
At its height, the Russian empire covered eleven time zones and stretched from Scandinavia to the Pacific Ocean. Arguing against the traditional historical view that Russia, surrounded and threaten...
In 2000, na acht jaar Jeltsin, werd Vladimir Poetin tot Russische president gekozen. Hij bracht het land vele veranderingen, maar wordt door zijn politieke tegenstanders als dictator gezien. Bij he...
In this comprehensive assessment of what has happened in Russia since 1991--what has been accomplished and what so far has failed--the author argues that the new situation in Russia cannot be defin...
Focusing on institutions and processes and paying rigorous attention to scholarship, Politics in Russia is an authoritative overview of the Russian political system, now updated to reflect all of t...
A concise overview of Putin's policies and analytical studies of their success or failure in each of the seven federal okrugs that he created in May 2000 to impose greater federal control over the ...
A masterly study of one of the most colorful monarchs in all of history. "Magisterial and authoritative.a panoramic view of Russia's social, political, economic and culture development."--The New ...
Mikhail Gorbachev and Zdenek Mlynar were friends for half a century, since they first crossed paths as students in 1950. Although one was a Russian and the other a Czech, they were both ardent supp...
This new and abridged edition of Scenarios of Power is a concise version of Richard Wortman's award-winning study of Russian monarchy from the seventeenth century until 1917. The author breaks new ...
Wat weten we eigenlijk over Stalin als dictator en massamoordenaar? Hoe was hij als mens? Wat speelde zich af binnen de muren van het Kremlin tijdens zijn regime? Montefiore schetst een huiveringwe...
Gorbachev in Historic Perspective.
Financial Times Pick of 2006
Ook vandaag schuilt achter de schijnbare stabiliteit die President Poetin heeft gebracht, nog steeds een zeer wankel evenwicht in de Russische maatschappij. Westerse ideeлn over markt, democratie ...
"Revolutionary Passage" is a cultural, social, and political history of Russia during fifteen crucial years. Garcelon traces this history from perestroika to the rise of Vladimir Putin, and argues ...
Stalin remains one of the creators of our world - like Hitler, the personification of evil. Yet Stalin hid his past and remains mysterious. This enthralling biography that reads like a thriller fin...
This study of Stalin's political thought makes full use of documentation that has only recently become available from the former Central Party Archive in Moscow as well as Stalin's private library ...
The director of Russian studies at Princeton and a published scholar in the field of Soviet studies, Kotkin has written a lively and provocative work on a subject that has already attracted much...
In the years since Stalin's death, his profound influence upon the historical development of Communism has remained elusive and in need of interpretation. Stalinism, as his system has become know...
Edvard Radzinsky is justly famous as both a biographer and a dramatist, and he brings both skills to bear in this vivid, page-turning, rich portrait of one of the greatest of all Romanovs. Alexande...
The first study of Putin and his politics, providing the biographical and political context needed to explain his astonishing rise from anonymous KGB apparatchik to leader of one of the world's mos...
Written by Russian and Western scholars, this collection of original essays presents a general overview of political change in Russia since 1991. Rather than interpret the collapse of state sociali...
How can we best define Russia's long-term national interests in the field of political sovereignty, sustainable economic development and military security? How will Russia view its federal state s...
Now in a thoroughly revised, expanded, and updated edition, this classic text provides the most authoritative and current analysis available of contemporary Russia and the challenges facing Vladimi...
This classic biography carefully traces Bukharin's rise to and fall from power, focusing particularly on the development of his theories and programmatic ideas during the critical period between Le...
Following Lenin (2000) and Stalin (2005), this work continues Service's series about leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution. Looming in his portrait of Trotsky, the Bolsheviks' outstanding orator and ...
An in-depth account of the life, reign, and final days of the last Russian tsar draws on Nicholas II's personal diaries, firsthand accounts of the murder of the royal family, and other sources....
"Far outranks the ancient efforts of G.P. Gooch, Zoe Oldenbourg and Gladys Scott Thomson....Good on high-political crises."--History "A most readable and historically accurate biography of the g...
In a revisionist work, Hughes, historian at the University of London, reassesses the manipulating Sophia, who served as regent 1682-1689 for the dual reign of her brother, the physically and mental...
Harvard Professor of Russian History Richard Pipes traces the evolution of the Russian state from the ninth century to the 1800s. Pipes analyzes the political behavior of the principal social group...
Written in a fast-moving informative style, this absorbing biography charts Stalin's rise from obscure revolutionary flunky to power-mad dictator. Borrowing liberally from unsealed memoirs of survi...
The definitive - and gripping - biography of a remarkable statesman. * This book is a revelation. The Boris Yeltsin that emerges from its pages is a leader of exceptional quality: determined, stub...
Most Western historians believe that Joseph Stalin masterminded the 1934 assassination of Sergei Kirov, a hard-line Bolshevik whom the Soviet dictator may have seen as a rival. Conquest ( Harvest o...
In a brief poem written in response to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, W.H. Auden ridiculed the inexpressive nature of tyranny and tyrants: "One prize is beyond his reach, / The Ogre canno...
Vertaling van 'Russia after Stalin'
Vertaling van: Khrushchev: The Road to Power
Vertaling van: 'Apogei samoderzhaviiia. Nikolai I' (Leningrad 1925)
Doder and Branson, Moscow correspondents for the Washington Post and London Times , respectively, examine the political battles Gorbachev has had to fight since assuming power in 1985. This work is...
This book reveals little not found in Christian Schmidt-Hauer's Gorbachev ( LJ 9/1/86) and Mark Frankland's The Sixth Continent ( LJ 11/15/87). Treatment of Gorbachev's early years relies on hearsa...
The documentary Record of the Ninetheenth Communist Party Congress and the reorganization after Stalin's death.
The documentary Record of the 20th Communist Party Congress and its aftermath
The documentary Record of the extraordinary 2Ith Communist Party Congress
The documentary Record of the extraordinary 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
The security services have played a central?and often mysterious?role at key turning points in Russia during the tumultuous years following the Soviet collapse: from the Moscow apartment house bomb...
When Catherine II died in St Petersburg in 1796 the world sensed the loss of the most celebrated monarch of Europe – something no one would have predicted at the birth sixty-seven years before of...
Russia has long been a source of puzzlement— and sometimes alarm—for Western observers. Since shaking off communism two decades ago, the country has seemed wobbly at best, thoroughly corrupt an...
Driehonderd jaar geleden maakte Peter de Grote zijn roemruchte reis naar de Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Privincien. De regering van tsaar Peter betekende een keerpunt in de geschiedenis van Rusla...
The view that Russia has taken a decisive shift towards authoritarianism may be premature, but there is no doubt that its democracy is in crisis. In this original and dynamic analysis of the fundam...
Boris Jeltsin maakte van Rusland een soort monarchie. Hij zette op de laatste dag van 1999 zijn kroon op het hoofd van Vladimir Poetin. De KGB-kolonel vervolmaakte de rol van gekozen monarch en aut...
This is the most comprehensive analysis of the first national elections in Russia ever written. Emmons lucidly assesses all forces that favored parliamentary government, not just the much-studied K...
What did the rulers of the Soviet Union truly think about each other? Piggy Foxy and the Sword of Revolution provides a window onto the soul of Bolshevism no other set of materials has ever offere...
This is the first full-scale analysis of the social and political transformation of the nobility of Holland during the revolt against Spain in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In the age of...
This is an account of the Princes of Orange in the Dutch Republic from William I, "the Silent", to William V, the last and saddest, in their roles as "stadholders." It interweaves their personal li...
Pullitzerprijs-winnende biografie uit 1980. Robert K. Massie toont Peter in zijn jonge jaren en schetst zijn strijd om de macht en zijn pogingen om Rusland militair, technisch en cultureel tot een ...
As Vladimir Putin prepares to return to the presidency in the 2012 elections, the prospects for Russia’s future are unclear. Russia in 2020, also available in Russian, brings together leading exp...
This book offers the first systematic analysis of Putin's two wars, placing the Second Chechen War and the War with Georgia of 2008 in their broader historical contexts. Drawing on extensive origin...
Rusland is opgestaan als een wereldmacht en Poetin wil historische vergissingen herstellen. De Krim is de eerste correctie die is aangebracht. Alle gebieden buiten de grenzen waar Russisch wordt ge...
Wie is Vladimir Poetin? Het Westen weet zich geen raad met de Russische president. Met de annexatie van de Krim schendt Poetin de internationale rechtsorde. Hij is het contact met de werkelijkheid ...
A gripping narrative of an accidential king and a court out of control. Based on an unprecedented series of interviews with Vladimir Putin's inner circle, Mikhail Zygar presents a radically differe...
Russia is justly famous for its vodka. Today, the Russian average drinking man consumes 180 bottles of vodka a year, nearly half a bottle a day. But few people realize the enormous-and enormously d...
The 2014 Ukrainian crisis has highlighted the pro-Russia stances of some European countries, such as Hungary and Greece, and of some European parties, mostly on the far-right of the political spect...
In a gripping narrative of Putin’s rise to power as Russia’s president, Steven Lee Myers recounts Putin’s origins—from his childhood of abject poverty in Leningrad, to his ascension through...
Maart 2014: gewapenderhand wordt de Krim gescheiden van Oekraine en ‘herenigd’ met Rusland. Die actie van Rusland is in strijd met het Helsinki-akkoord dat in 1975 de territoriale integriteit v...
Once you accept that the impossible is really possible, what happens in Russia makes perfect sense. In December 2013, David Satter became the first American journalist to be expelled from Russia si...
How did a country that liberated itself from seventy years of Soviet rule end up as one of the biggest threats to the West and, above all, to its own future? Why did the people who rejected Communi...
De bejubelde auteur van Stalins jeugdjaren en andere meeslepende biografieen heeft met De Romanovs een toegankelijke, levendige en zeer onthullende geschiedenis geschreven over de uitzonderlijke ma...
Lindsey Hughes, author of the classic account of Russia during the reign of Peter the Great, here provides the definitive shorter biography of this dramatic, appealing and unconventional character....
t has the quality of myth: a poor cobbler’s son, a seminarian from an oppressed outer province of the Russian empire, reinvents himself as a top leader in a band of revolutionary zealots. When th...
The Internet in Russia is either the most efficient totalitarian tool or the device by which totalitarianism will be overthrown. Perhaps both. On the eighth floor of an ordinary-looking building...
More than twenty years ago, the longtime NPR correspondent Anne Garrels began to visit the region of Chelyabinsk, an aging military-industrial center a thousand miles east of Moscow that is home to...
This book provides an in-depth analysis of how mobilization and legitimation for war are made possible, with a focus on Russia's conflict with Chechnya. Through which processes do leaders and t...
Elite-level Soviet politics, privileged access to state secrets, knowledge about machinations inside the Kremlin—such is the environment in which Andrei A. Kovalev lived and worked. In this memoi...
Law, Rights and Ideology in Russia: Landmarks in the destiny of a great power brings into sharp focus several key episodes in Russia's vividly ideological engagement with law and rights. Drawing on...
Rusland is onder president Vladimir Poetin terug op het wereldtoneel. Tot het begin van de jaren negentig was de Sovjet-Unie een van de machtigste, en in de ogen van velen zelfs gevaarlijkste lande...