English text containing articles on aspects of Dutch life. 13th annual issue.
The 10th Yearbook published by the (Flemish Netherland Foundation) in 2002.
Yearbook which introduces to the Engllish-speaking world the Dutch-speaking area of the Netherlands and norther Belgium.
The articles in this book survey the living, contemporary culture of the Low Countries as well as their cultural heritage. In its words and pictures The Low Countries provides information about lit...
Sovetskoe detstvo: mezhdu zabotoi i nakazaniem
Pamiat'. Istoria. Identichnost'. Sovetskaia vlast', konfessii i veruiushchie
Den' vyborov, ili smena kak preemstvennost' Gosudarstvennaia Duma
Theme: Comfortable Discontent? A sense of well being
With The Low Countries (TLC), a yearbook founded by Jozef Deleu, the editors and publisher aim to present to the English-speaking world the culture and society of the Dutch-speaking area wich embra...
jrg. 26, 2010, no 1/5
Bijdragen van o.a. Andrej Sinjavski, Alexander Solzjenitsyn, Wladimir Kornilov, Andrej Sacharov
Theme: (Self-) images of the Low Countries