De Unie van Socialistische sovjetrepublieken bestaat niet meer. De Unie is afgekalfd, de deelrepublieken hebben het centrale gezag van Moskou met succes uitgedaagd en de rol van de communistische p...
Widely acclaimed as the best one-volume survey text available, A History of Russia presents the whole span of Russia's history, from the origins of the Kievan state and the building of an empire, t...
"A rich and readable introduction to the whole sweep of Russian cultural and intellectual history from Kievan times to the post-Khruschev era." - Library Journal. Illustrations, references, index.
As epic and ambitious as his first book A People's Tragedy, Orlando Figes's Natasha's Dance is a sweeping panorama of Russian culture over the centuries. It takes its title from a scene in War and ...
The history of the smaller European countries is rather neglected in the teaching of European history at university level. We are therefore pleased to announce the publication of the first comprehe...
"Jonathan Israel's 1,231-page blockbuster... offers a comprehensive, integrated account of the northern part of the Netherlands over almost 350 years...[it] represents the fruit of 12 years of rese...
This volume offers an introduction to Russian culture in all its rich diversity, including the historical conditions that helped shape it and the arts that express its highest achievements. Newly c...
This first volume of the Cambridge History of Russia covers the period from early ('Kievan') Rus' to the start of Peter the Great's reign in 1689. It surveys the development of Russia through the M...
The second volume of The Cambridge History of Russia covers the imperial period (16891917). It encompasses political, economic, social, cultural, diplomatic, and military history. All the major Ru...
The third volume of The Cambridge History of Russia provides an authoritative political, intellectual, social and cultural history of the trials and triumphs of Russia and the Soviet Union during t...
Walter Laqueur as been hailed as "one of our most distinguished scholars of modern European history" in the New York Times Book Review. Robert Byrnes, writing in the Journal of Modern History, call...
This is the first book of its kind to draw together information on the major events in Russian history from 1695 to 1917 - covering the eventful period from the accession of Peter the Great to the ...
The West has always had difficulty understanding the Soviet Union. For decades, analyses of America's Cold War foe were clouded by ideological passions and a shear dearth of information. Then came...
The complex and often turbulent history of Russia over the course of the last 2000 years is brought to life in a series of 177 maps. It covers not only the expansion of Russia wars and its war but ...
In 1945 the USSR was at the height of its international power and prestige, but years of prolonged hardship were to follow as Stalinist dictatorship was ruthlessly imposed. Since 1988 the mantle of...
From the reign of Tsar Nicholas II to the brutal cult of Stalin to the ebullient, uncertain days of perestroika, nowhere has the inextricable relationship between politics and culture been more sta...
Many think they know the legends behind tulipmania and the legacy of the Dutch East India Company, but what basic knowledge of Dutch history should be passed on to future generations? This overview...
Sinds eeuwen oefent Rusland op West-Europeanen een bijzondere fascinatie uit. Het is het land van besneeuwde steppen en snelle trojka's, van kerken met gouden uien op hun torens, van wrede tsaren e...
In december 2001 is het tien jaar geleden dat de communistische Unie van Socialistische Sovjet Republieken, kortweg de Sovjet-Unie, ophield te bestaan. Een uniek, zelfs in vele opzichten bizar poli...
Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States 2011 is a volume in "The World Today Series". Published and updated annually, this series provides both a short historical treatment and an up-to-d...
Russia's size, the diversity of its peoples and its unique geographical position straddling East and West have created a culture that is both inward and outward looking. Its history reflects the te...
"Merridale’s extraordinary history of the red fortress mixes politics, history, architecture and biography to lay bare the secret heart of Russia’s history… It is a delight to read, with pith...
This is a learned and cogent exploration of Russian theological and political order from its Kievan roots into the present. It utilizes the primary sources in an energetic way and grounds the core ...
Hosking follows the countrys history from the Slavs' first emergence in the historical record in the sixth century C.E. to the Russians persistent appearances in todays headlines. The second editio...
From the first Slavic migrations to the Romanovs rise to the Putin era, Russia has endured for centuries as a nation whose sheer size and diversity have challenged its rulers and shaped its identit...
The development of the Netherlands over the centuries has been a remarkable one. Situated at "the end of Europe," between land and water, its people have, for more than three thousand years, fought...