This revised and up-dated history confines itself to Russia west of the Urals, the Russia whose artistic beginnings lay in the response of a newly settled people to the impact of Christianity and t...
Notes: Includes index.
Authoritative and richly illustrated publication describing the history, design and development of the most famous Dutch land reclamation projects, and their relationship to one another. For the fi...
From the royal pew of Ivan the Terrible, to Catherine the Great’s use of landscape, to the struggles between the Orthodox Church and preservationists in post-Soviet Yaroslavl—across five centur...
This selection of over 50 projects, presented in large-scale photos as well as complementary ground-floor plans and sketches, communicates a differentiated impression of post-Soviet architecture...
The socialist ideals of the early twentieth century argued for a radical overhaul of architectural philosophy, reasserting the value of public space and redefining all forms of creative endeavor to...
This is the first book to show the development of Russian architecture over the past thousand years as a part of the history of Western architecture. Dmitry Shvidkovsky, Russia's leading architectu...
Currently the only available publication on this subject, Russia Now presents 35 examples of contemporary Russian architecture and product design, all of which can more than hold their own on th...
In the years since 1989, the societies of Russia and Eastern Europe have undergone a remarkable transformation from socialism to democracy and free market capitalism. Making an important contributi...
Living in the Lowlands offers a kaleidoscopic overview of one of the most important themes in Dutch architectural history: living and the home environment. Fifteen domestic scenes illustrate import...
Berlage was a significant personality in modern Dutch architecture. His career consisted of extraordinary constructive achievements: the Amsterdam Stock Market, which recaptures Romanesque forms th...
Despite attempts to promote the aesthetics of ruins in Russia – from Catherine the Great’s construction of fake ruins in imperial parks to Josef Brodsky’s elegiac meditations – ruins have n...
Это первая экспозиция в Эрмитаже, рассказывающая о формировании голландской архитектуры после Второй мир...
OverHolland 10/11 describes the transformation of the landscape of the West of the Netherlands from the 9th to the 21st century on the basis of six maps and an explanatory text. This issue also con...
This study focuses on change and continuity within the architecture of the Southern and Northern Low Countries from 1530 to 1700. Instead of looking at both regions separately and stressing the sty...
This is a richly illustrated, well-documented, broad historic review of buildings and urban structures in Asia, America, and Africa. These are placed against the dual background of their ties with ...
Nederland is sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog sterk verstedelijkt met omvangrijke woongebieden en bedrijventerreinen aan de flanken van de stad. Hoewel het overheidsbeleid vooral gericht was op verster...
Книга посвящена истории архитектуры дворцов и парков Ораниенбаума – признанного шедевра европейской архи...