Nederlands Instituut in Sint-Petersburg

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Secret Services/Espionage

Bekijk hieronder de werken binnen deze categorie

Pervyj predsedatel' KGB Ivan Serov

Kniga o pervom predsedatele KGB Ivane Aleksandroviche Serove - ne prosto biografiya. Eto prezhde vsego opyt issledovaniya ego zhizni i deyatel'nosti, predprinyatyj na strogo dokumental'noj osnove. ...

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The Mitrokhin Archive

Derived from 30,000 top-secret files of the KGB's Foreign Intelligence Service, The Mitrokhin Archive has sparked controversy in Whitehall and Fleet Street. It has also made Melita Norwood--Brit...

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Engineering communism

Engineering Communism is the fascinating story of Joel Barr and Alfred Sarant, dedicated Communists and members of the Rosenberg spy ring, who stole information from the United States during World ...

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GRU. Die Speerspitze

Vertaling uit het Engels van 'Soviet Military Intelligence'

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Spy wars

In this rapidly paced book, a former CIA chief of counter intelligence breaks open the mysterious case of KGB officer Yuri Nosenko's 1964 defection to the United States. Still a highly controversia...

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