The former national security adviser in the Carter administration offers a practical long-range guide to policy and action in the U.S.-Soviet rivalry, which, he writes, "has been transformed into an endless 'game,' with no victory in sight." Brzezinski's game plan assumes that the central priority is the struggle for Eurasia, which he divides into three strategic fronts: Europe, the Far East and Southwest Asia (with a possible fourth on the Rio Grande in the future, should the struggle for Central America enlarge in such a way as to inflame the U.S.-Mexican relationshipa development the Soviets would certainly exploit, according to Brzezinski). Among his recommendations: gradual reduction of American forces in NATO combined with pressure from Washington for a more self-reliant Europe. Game Plan is well organized and clearly written, and should be read by anyone who wants to take a short course in the interaction between geopolitics and strategy in the U.S.-Soviet contest, as taught by a first-rate teacher. Brzezinski is on the faculty at both Columbia and Georgetown.